A downloadable game

-----  Prototype  -----

The purpose of this protoype is to test the character controller / movement of the ship.
If  it's fun, enjoyable and how can it be inproved. 
There is not much more to this application currently other than moving around, so just try to climb to the top of the construction and then report your experience with a comment or on discord (link below).


-----  Incipit  -----

You are one of th e pilots working for the fulfilment of an operation inside an intricate hollow planet. Crawl the inside a gravitationally unstable cave system and find out the mistery of these chasms


-----  Controls  -----

(controller absolutely needed tho some actions have a keyboard input too)

  • right stick: camera
  • Y / triangle button : toggle from Manual to Auto mode
  • (xbox) / Square (PlayS) button: recall  anchor 
  • (xbox) / (PlayS) button: Shoot anchor

  • While in AutoMode
    • Left stick: move* horizontally (based on camera orientation)
    • L2 / R2: move* Up or Down (perpendicularly to camera orientation)
    • when Recalling: the anchor furthest away from the direction currently facing of the player is recalled. (the most behind of the anchors basically)

  • While in ManualMode
    • Dpad Up / Down or  R1 / L1: switch selected anchor
    • L2 / R2: contract or extend selected anchor
    • when Recalling / Shooting: only applies to the currently selected anchor

  • Extras (on keyboard): 
    • T key: toggle Auto/Manual mode
    • R key: enable rotation on the orbital rings (has no gameplay difference, just looks cool)
    • C key: change camera (not gameplay relevant, the controls do NOT change accordingly to the view)
    • Start + Select (controller) : close game

*Movement means that the anchors are contracted and extended automatically based on the input direction given, no real movement is applied to the ship, just a result of the anchors behaviour


Link to the project's Miroboard

Link to the Discord



SphericalClaw_v1.02_win.rar 25 MB
SphericalClaw_v1.02_linux.rar 28 MB

Install instructions

  1. Dowload rar file 
  2. Right click > Extract rar file
  3. Open extracted file 
  4. Doubble click on the .exe file
  5. Remeber to plug in a controller to play, controls explained above

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